5 Christmas Cookie Ideas for Your Munchkins



The amazing time of the year is already here. Cold breeze, festive vibes and foodie thoughts have already started clouding the minds. And why not? There is something special about this season that keeps people, especially kids longing for it to come. Now that Christmas is just around the corner, this is the right time to prep up the party menu.

Pleasing adults with a variety of dishes is easy, what’s difficult is to please the young guests. So, here we have a listed 5 Christmas cookies ideas that your friends and their kids will relish. On the day of the party, your dinner table will be overflowing with homemade treats and the house with happy kids. So, let the festivities begin!

Things You Need

  • Atta Maker
  • Flour
  • Cookie Ornaments
  • Icing Flavours
  • A pack of coloured marshmallows
  • Cookie Cutters

Easy to make and yummy to taste, snowman cookie is an all-time favourite among kids. There are two options to make this yummylicious cookie – from scratch and by using packed cookies. If you are planning to make them from scratch, you can easily prepare the dough (enriched with raisins and almonds) in the atta maker for added convenience. On the other hand, use of packed cookies calls for minimum efforts. All you need is a few marshmallows (white), icing and cookies.

Ginger Bread Cookies

Believe it or not, no holiday cookie platter is complete with these gorgeously amazing gingerbread cookies. The good thing is that kids love them, and they are super easy to make. Cookie cutters in the shape of Christmas tree, house, snowflakes and more is what to need to mould the cookies into the desired shape. Once baked, let the frosting do the magic to these delicious cookies.

Quirky Cookies

Not only kids, but other people in the party will also love this amazing idea. A basket full of cookies in the shape of moustache, bow, hat and more will surely become the highlight of the party. Cookie cutters, icing (preferably in black) and a few toothpicks are all you require to get the final result. However, be sure of preparing these hours before the party, because we don’t want the toothpicks to fall off if served fresh out of the oven.

What’s Christmas without a Christmas tree? And what if the tree is edible? Make full use of the star-shaped dye to create a few cookie Christmas trees. Use round cookies to create a base and icing to hold the stars together. Sprinkle powdered sugar to add a snowy finishing touch to your lovely creation. When the trees are all done, prep a tray with all of them and add a few other elements as well to enhance the look of the presentation.

If you have the guest list ready, preparing these will be super fun. Kids will love the idea of cookies having their names. This can also be an amazing exercise for the kids to find out cookies labelled under the best friend’s name or their own. Cookie cutters, frosting cone and edible glitters are all you need to prepare these delicious treats for the little munchkins.


Use these cookie ideas to make your little guests feel special at the upcoming Christmas party. For added comfort, bring home an atta maker from any of the healthcare brands like KENT that will help you prepare cookie dough in no time. In addition, this amazing appliance will also help you prepare other delicious dishes as well.

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