If you are in the market for a new credit card, you have plenty to choose from and they all have slightly different features. As you shop around, it’s a good idea to evaluate your needs and pick a credit card that fits your budget and offers some rewards.
The best credit cards do not just have bonuses and rewards that you get when you open an account. They have features that provide rewards long after you’ve made your first purchase. Some Indian credit cards, like Buzz Credit Card, offer rewards for money you spend and for milestones you reach along the way.
These are some tips for choosing the best credit card to meet your needs:
1. Changeable payment date
This might not seem like the most important feature of a credit card, but if the date the credit card company chooses for you doesn’t work, then changing the date can save you money. If you cannot make a payment by the date that the company chose, you could end up with late payment charges. But, if you can change it, you will not have to pay late fees.
2. Annual fees
Annual fees can be excessive for some credit cards. As you are already paying interest, you don’t want to pay extra rupees each year just to keep the card. It is difficult to find a card without an annual fee, so find one with a small one.
3. Signup bonus
When you sign up with some cards, you get an immediate bonus. In some cases, you have to spend a certain amount of rupees before the award is given, but some cards give you an immediately welcome gift, like a gift card, a voucher, or a discount. When looking for a card with a signup bonus, find one that will fit your shopping needs.
4. Co-branded cards
Co-branded cards can be helpful if you shop in the same place regularly. If you use a co-branded card, you can get bonus points that you can use at the shop. Usually, you get extra points if you shop at the co-branded store, but if you shop elsewhere, you do not get the same number of points.
5. Easy payment options
Being able to make a payment is important for keeping your credit card under control. If you cannot make a payment at a convenient spot or through an ATM, then it might not be the right card for you.
6. Conversions to EMIs
Another helpful tool in Indian credit cards are conversions to EMI, especially when you buy something expensive, like electronics. Making equal monthly installments lets you pay off your balances quickly.
7. Simple fee chart
The last feature to check is the fee chart. Hopefully, it is easy to read and there aren’t many fees, especially for things like mobile alerts and replacement cards.