“Your true adventure starts where adulthood begins”
The ride to adulthood is one hell of a crazy ride.
It’s scary and there are moments when you feel alone. But the step to adulthood, you must take. It’s the step when you say goodbye to your adolescent shenanigans and hang up your overalls for a pantsuit. It is the rule of life. It happens to all.
But adulthood doesn’t happen at the same time for everyone. Adulthood is not just about turning 18. No magical wisdom is suddenly imparted on our 18th birthday to shield us from the lifetime of regretful decisions that we are yet to make. It is a different journey for each person.
“It was his seventeenth birthday.
At the party he took his first cigarette fag.
At the office,his father took his last breath.
His adulthood struck him an year before.”
-Aakansha Ahuja
So we at Caleidoscope are running a short story contest to feature your transition into an adult.
We want to know about your moment of epiphany – the moment you felt like an adult.
Come share it with us. Let’s all grow up together, once again
It could be the day when you held your daughter in your arms for the first time,the day when you stood up against your bullies,your Santa isn’t real moment,the day when you bought your alcohol with your very own Legal ID,the day when you move to the apartment uptown or the day when you paid your own bills.
We are interested in hearing it all!
Winner of this contest will get a prize money of Rs 3000 and will get the opportunity to intern with us this summer.
Selection Criteria
- Each piece must be original, unpublished, and not submitted or accepted elsewhere either for publication or for a competition
- Each article should be between 500 – 800 words. Entries exceeding the word limits will be disqualified.
- The stories will be judged, and greater weightage would be placed on content, personal touch, thought clarity, narration skills and grammar.
- The winner will also be judged based on its social media popularity so don’t forget to share your article extensively among your friends.
- Only one entry per person is allowed.In case of more than one, only the last will be considered.
Result of the Short Story Contest
Thank you everyone for taking part in this contest and making it a huge success.
Caleidoscope Short Story Contest Prize goes to
Swapnil Bipin Pande for the story ‘The Day I Met A Superhero‘
Kindly email me your bank account details.
Runner up for the contest are :
Donna Abraham – Life in changes
Archana Sood – The Epiphany of Realized Existence
Other Top Entries to the Short Story Contest
Remitha Alphonsa John – Show Some Chutzpah!
Sneha Sampath – It’s Time to Heal the World
Siddhi Sehgal – When Life Threw Me a Curveball
Arunima Arun – Caught in the Paradox of Growing Up
Madalsa Poddar – Stepping into Adulthood Before Time
Lakshmy Das – Change of Game; Let’s Play James Bond
Aparna Negi – Image of Truth: Take Me Back