Born in a liberal world
Brought up in a free atmosphere
You wanna fly in the sky with birds along
“Freedom is my birth Right” was thy song
Your dreams were big, aims infinite
Fearless were you, nothing was there to fright
The world is your oyster, you were the one
For whom everything was destined to be won
Every single instant was full of magic
You were always kidding nothing was tragic
You wanted to be a superhero, saving the world around
You always wondered of any super power yet to be found
But as you grew up and marched towards your goals
They said your dreams are fake and stabbed your soul
For the first time in your life, you doubted thy own
You asked if this person in the mirror really was well known
All of a sudden cold chilly wind started to blow
Disappointed you were, feeling really low
‘Are my dreams too big to be won’ you asked yourself
Fear of loss gripped your heart and you cried for help
You lowered your dreams, stopped believing in magic
Nothing could make you smile, everything was tragic
You felt really weak and vices surrounded you
You refrained from most but to skip this sucking life accepted few
Every time you involved in something vile
You experienced fake joy, though only for a while
And as you bounced back to real life
Your heart was pierced by guilt’s knife
I was in dark woods wandering hopelessly around
I came across a weak horse, his legs in blood were chain bound
I took pity on the poor creature and gave him some weed
But hungry creature refused, demanding some other need
Confused with his behaviour I removed his chain
In a flash, the horse galloped forward forgetting his stain
My heart was pounding, my breath was fast
As my still bewildered eyes on the horse were cast
Then from somewhere deep within; the thought hit me out
What had been the chain for horse, were for me my fear and doubt
I wanted to break off all boundaries and set myself free
How could I possibly not move when I was not as unlucky as tree
Hysterically I started running forward in vain
Thrill n joy had filled my heart instead of pain
I wanted to run fast, I wanted to march towards my dreams
Not even fate could have stopped me as it seems
I wanted to relive this free life, this fresh breath
This freedom that nobody can snatch, not even my death
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