
Hidden Gem of Pune – Kirkee War Cemetry

  1. Hidden Gem of Pune – Kirkee War Cemetry
Hidden Gem of Pune - Kirkee War Cemetry

Kirkee War cemetery is located in Khadki, Pune. It is maintained by the commonwealth war graves commission. The cemetery holds the martyrs from the World War I and World War II. It is a beautiful place and is extremely peaceful as hardly anyone visits the place. The place well-maintained and the best time to visit would be in the morning when you will not have the sun shining on you. The gravestones, as well as the arches, are placed in a symmetrical and systematic order. This place is a treat to the people who love symmetry! Do visit if you want to find some inner peace and serenity.

Timings: Monday to Sunday- 8 AM to 4 PM

Images clicked by Manjulika

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