
Lost the Plot- Movies under the Star

  1. Lost the Plot- Movies under the Star
Lost The Plot

Love to watch movies?

How about watching movies under the stars?

Wouldn't that be amazing?

Lost the Plot is an outdoor movie theatre in Pune. It is the only outdoor cinema and bar in the city. It screens not only on the rooftops but also at multiple venues. They strive to build a unique experience for movie watching. Lost the Plot is working towards bringing good, important and off-beat cinema to the mainstream. They want to build a community of like-minded people which engages in a conversation about alternative cinema.

Lost the Plot works towards bridging the gap between the artist and audience. In order to do so, they bring in artists, directors and many other people working within the film fraternity for a meet and greet as well as question and answer sessions. There are many people from the movie industry who have attended these shows like Meghna Gulzar, Kalki Koechlin, Sumeet Vyas, Rajat Kapoor, and many more.

Check out bookmyshow as well as their website for their latest screening and tag along with your friends to their next location for a wonderful cinematic experience!

Contact Number: +918308174419

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