
Tribes India – Exclusive Shop of Tribal Artefacts

  1. Tribes India – Exclusive Shop of Tribal Artefacts
Tribes India
Tribes India- The exclusive outlet of tribal artefacts in India espousing tribal cause. Functioning under TRIFED, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India.
The magical mystique of Tribal India finds expression at Tribes India- the exclusive shop of tribal artefacts in India espousing tribal cause. It aims at accelerating economic development of tribal people, the poorest among the poor through the marketing of their products on sustainable basis and providing wider exposure to their art and craft.
Tribes India aims at accelerating economic development of tribal people, the poorest among the poor, through the marketing of their products on sustainable basis and providing wider exposure to their art and craft in domestic as well as international markets. It is more than a treasure chest of tribal expressions. It houses the most exquisite and authentic tribal handloom and handicraft beautifully handcrafted by the tribal from across the country. Tribes India through online selling is spreading its wings in the new age Digital World.

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