Architecture & Places to See in Delhi


Author: Trisha De Niyogi

Today, Delhi is one of the oldest surviving cities in the world. It is a city where historical monuments and buildings coexist in a modern metropolis. Originally built by combining eight cities, Delhi or NCR (as understood from the administrative point of view) is now the biggest urban agglomerate.

Given the history and the number of rulers with different backgrounds ruling the city, the architecture of Delhi doesn’t demonstrate a continuous narrative but seems to be a bit scattered in the urban scape. Hidden monuments or architectural marvel, the in-your-face Lutyen’s Delhi, the high rises and majestic hotels in and around the city or the apartments traversing most residential areas, just like its culture, Delhi’s architecture has been studied, dissected, documented as well as celebrated immensely. To give you a glimpse, in the words of Mir Taqi Mir, a product of the city itself, wrote:

“The streets of Delhi are not mere streets;
They are like the album of a painter”

Image Saad Akhtar/Flickr

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