Author – Siddhi Aras

Knowledge basket as the name suggests is a journey from the good old days to the present of being tuition teacher is a passion for me. Right from my school days I loved to help my friends complete their homework and was in constant search of people who are finding difficulties in their studies. I would feel extremely happy when I am in a position to help someone with studies and that gave me immense satisfaction.
Then came the junior college days; it was time to step into the big world with unknown faces around and the constant guidance from parents on do and don’ts. In the initial days, I was quite careful and it involved a huge thought process to decide whom to befriend and whom to stay away from. However, when it came to teaching someone, my cautiousness vanished and all that mattered was that someone needed my help in studies. This way, college days were all about helping my classmates with studies and my only aim was to build up their hunger for knowledge. Soon, I had plenty of friends who respected me and loved me for helping them to face their shortcomings. With every passing day I became “The perfect student teacher” in college and there were more and more juniors approaching me. I was ever joyful to contribute my bit at places wherever they fell short.
Soon, junior college days passed by and it was time to take up a particular stream for my HSC. I took up business management. The reason was to get to learn maximum number of subjects in 3 years and to get a variety of knowledge in a number of areas. However, the turning point in my life was when I saw a woman taking kids tuitions. She just sat watching television engrossed in her own thoughts and the poor kids sitting in front were trying to figure out what exactly needs to be done. That’s when I commenced my tutorials for my neighbourhood school going children. Knowing my passion for teaching and the ease with which I helped individuals understand concepts, my tutorials got a very great response. Every day, these kids came to the class 15 minutes early and left 15 minutes late. Homework was done up to the mark. Every day, children came up with new doubts related to a subject unrelated to their academics, which meant they had read additional books.
I had many pleasant memories teaching my students, but one kid with whom I shared a special bond was Netra. She was a bubbly, innocent first standard kid who simply hated studies. But with time, she began taking keen interest in her studies. She was one of my most devoted as well as the youngest student. The most shocking thing for me was that this kid who once had strong dislike for studies, was now craving to have tuitions in the vacations as well. The higher standard students began asking me to suggest them certain novels which they would find interesting to be read. There was a drastic change in the attitude of these children and they were more dedicated. Each one had a clear goal. The kids were happy, their parents were happy, but the person who was most happy was me.
Somehow it was an accomplishment for me to have brought a shift in the thoughts of these kids and I was totally satisfied with the positive outcome. Now the only hope remains is to widen the knowledge basket with every passing day by educating and passing on knowledge to more and more people regularly and consistently.