
Leopold Café, Mumbai

  1. Leopold Café, Mumbai
Leopold Cafe

Probably one of the oldest cafes in Mumbai, Leopold was opened in 1871 and is still going strong. Known for its amazing spread, it is popular for Breakfast, Brunch or an Evening catch up session with friends. The interiors are quite extraordinary. They have an interesting choice of décor like car number plates from various countries on one of their walls.

Leopold Café makes an appearance in the much-acclaimed book Shantaram and its sequel The Mountain Shadow by Gregory David Roberts. During the Mumbai 2008 attacks, Cafe Leopold was the first place to be attacked. But the attack did not stop people from visiting this lovely place in Colaba. It is one of the few Irani cafes which is doing well in the city.

It is a legendary restaurant present amidst a shopping area. You can shop and then visit this place for refreshments. While you are here do not forget to try their mouthwatering Chocolate Ecstasy, Mutton Keema, and Mushroom Tikka!

Timing: 7:30 AM to 12 AM

Contact Number: 022 2282 8185

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