The number of bloggers around the world is incalculable. Every second person dreams of working from home, thanks to which he could earn a lot of money. This is what the influencers are doing. However, if you think that being a blogger is simple and all you need to do is talk about your life, then you are deeply mistaken. In fact, there are the same obligations in blogging as in a regular job. In addition, you must have certain skills and abilities to be able to attract the attention of the audience to your person.
Social networks are a kind of place of work for influencers. Most people choose platforms such as Youtube, Tik Tok and Instagram to promote their blog. These are the largest social networks that allow you to qualitatively promote yourself as a blogger. When choosing a platform, bloggers rely on indicators such as the number of active users, the built-in functions of the service and content publishing formats. Instagram occupies the leading position in these parameters – it’s the most visited and multifunctional platform.
Conventionally , bloggers are divided into several categories :
– Celebrity. Popular people, for example, your favorite music artists, artists, athletes and others;
– Experts. People who occupy an educational niche in blogging. Such influencers provide a lot of useful information on a particular topic. Most often. Earn money on author’s educational courses;
– Businessmen. Influencers promoting their brand or company. Their main goal is to attract new customers and increase the number of sales.
– Lifestyle bloggers. Ordinary people who have turned their lives into a business. These influencers tell about every day lived, show the whole underside of life and fill accounts with aesthetic content.
In this article we will talk about how to become a life-style blogger and find yourself in it.
If you think that your life is boring and not interesting to anyone, you are mistaken. You can share your thoughts and experiences on various topics, post beautiful photos and videos, talk about your hobbies. In the lifestyle format, you are not limited by any framework, you don’t need to choose words and have acting skills so that the audience is interested in watching you. You don’t need to have supernatural abilities, be able to sit on the splits or cook skillfully. Lifestyle is almost always personal stories.
The first steps in blogging:
Create an Instagram account. If you want people to recognize you by your nickname in the future, come up with a bright profile name, but don’t overdo it. Minimize dots, hyphens and spaces, it doesn’t look as aesthetically pleasing as one or two words. Work on the profile description, in it you should tell about who you are, what distinguishes you from others, what you do and what kind of lifestyle you have. Be brief and don’t write intricate texts. This can bring down a potential follower and he will think for a long time about whether it’s worth subscribing to you. Choose a suitable avatar, preferably a photo that you like, because you will look at it more than once a day. A dynamic, bright photo with you in the frame is ideal for the role of the main profile photo. Also, many newcomers, while making an account, make a base of subscribers so that the blog looks complete and solid in the first days. They use the opportunity to buy Instagram followers cheap, but they do it competently so that potential subscribers don’t suspect that they are being deceived.
Start filling your account with content. Determine which format of information presentation you like the most. Instagram offers many features. If you like to shoot videos, pay attention to Reels and IGTV. Short videos are especially popular now, they often get into trends, even if you have an unpopular account. If you prefer photos, post as much content as possible in the story and create posts telling about yourself and life. Publish content regularly, this increases activity on your page, which will have a good effect on statistics and insta algorithms will gradually raise your account higher in the search. Pay great attention to the quality of photos and videos, determine your unique color palette and try to stick to the chosen style. You can create a content plan in which you determine how many posts and stories per week you need to publish.
Start taking actions to promote your account. Any blogger wants to gain an audience as quickly as possible and not keep the page just for himself. In order to speed up the promotion process, you can buy followers on Instagram. Companies offering such services often offer to purchase a whole package to create a profile base: subscribers, likes and comments. Many novice bloggers use such services because it greatly simplifies the promotion process. When subscribers, likes and comments appear on your page, the probability that people will subscribe to you increases significantly. After you have created a base for promotion, you can use free methods, such as mutual PR, mass liking and mass following. Alternatively, use targeted advertising, thanks to which your ads will be seen only by users who fit your chosen categories.
If you have been thinking about starting your lifestyle blog for a long time, but were afraid to do it, put all fears aside and start doing what brings you pleasure. Modern technologies are rapidly developing and provide many opportunities to gain popularity in any field. Open up to this world and luck will surely smile on you!