It is being touted as the ultimate plan to save our rivers. The Sadhguru has started his rally to replenish our rivers. He’s asking for support- only a missed call- and it’s looking almost too good. But as is India’s past experience with such plans- two questions beg to be answered- “is the plan actually any good?” and “will it still be here by the next rains?” The second question, only time will provide an answer to. For the first, we can venture into a little evaluation.
For those who don’t know, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is an unconventional yogi and spiritual guru. He’s also the founder of the Isha Foundation- a volunteer organization that runs wellness programmes around the world. His 2016 book- “Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy”- has been a New York Times Best Seller. Isha claims a huge volunteer base in the country; large enough to provide an initial support base for the plan.
Apart from the volunteers, many Politicians, sportsmen, and celebrities have responded with support to Sadhguru’s call. A sense of public support can also be acquired from the fact that the Campaign’s Facebook Page has reached 4.8 million likes.
But, all is not as speckless as it seems. There are some lines of thought which lead me to critical conclusions. Firstly, interlinking of the rivers- which Sadhguru supports- has drawn cogent criticisms from experts. Then, according to Manu Moudgil on The Wire, Rally for Rivers is diverting us from the real issue. Planting trees is going to be used by some backers as an excuse for assaulting the rivers in other- more dangerous- ways. There’s also the irony about Sadhguru’s diesel-guzzling convoy, which, according to The Quint, is expected to produce a hurting 26,194 Kg of Carbon Dioxide.

Ambiguities are also abundant when it comes to the rescue plan. For me they arise from the lack of details in the overall plan, and also from the prospective outcomes, or the lack thereof. To be fair, the criticisms are no good either. Their equivocality even makes me lean in Rally’s favour. Because, in all practicality, what harm has ever come from planting trees?
Then, at its core, it seems unlikely that Rally For Rivers is a cure-all plan for our environmental woes. In its defense, no practicable plan can singularly heal the planet. Also, in all honesty, it’s not as scientifically proofed as it could have been.
Instead, it will be better if we look at it as a first in a series of public-backed, and hopefully independent, movements. If done right, without the political or corporate strings, this can very well be the proper start of a pan-India pro-environment movement. And that makes it a win-win for everyone, deserving of our support.
This author has not even read the contents of website on RallyforRivers nor followed up daily happenings in various cities. Sadhguru does NOT support interlinking of rivers. Complete proposal for a policy development to save rivers will be submitted to GOI and others on 2nd October. You can invite the entire scientific community to add value if they are serious. You believe The Quint without a blink when some nonsense of a statistic is thrown up? Your post is neither here nor there? If you have valid points to criticise please do. Why do you say :”You have two legs ” when I am not saying ” I am having only one leg”?
Hi, thanks for your comment.
I respectfully request you to read the headline again.
Also, this article does not criticize the Rally, but rather tries to find the right reasons for supporting it.
Let me try to explain the point with this illustration:
One man says “I support the rally. It’s the best solution. There are no problems with it. Those who don’t support it are fools.”
Another says, “I acknowledge that the movement has some shortcomings. I understand that this alone cannot solve the river problems. But still I am fully supporting it because it is doing something right, and we need to start somewhere.”
Which kind of support do you think is better?
I think that just because we choose to support something, we shouldn’t sacrifice our faculty to reason. I am very optimistic about the movement, but at the same time I don’t have any irrational utopic expectations.
Also, regarding the issue that you have with a particular publication, it’s simple math! You would also agree that there are more eco-friendly ways to travel.
I really like your ‘two legs’ analogy. But it leaves no scope for a humble human to make simple observations.
Finally, Find evidence against your interlinking contention here: [https://news.webindia123.com/news/Articles/India/20170907/3182251.html].
Hope this clears your doubts.
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