Caleidoscope – Nostalgic Article of the Month Contest



Rain clouds in the sky, I don’t know why

They make me blue, when I’m thinking of you

Maybe they want to cry, as I walk on by

Hiding my tears, in a world of good byes

Dheemtha dheemtha dhera na dhera

Dheemtha dhera na………na ne na

Remember the old Colonial Cousins song on Indian Rain? Do these rain clouds bring out the nostalgic memories in you too?

The monsoon rain does bring back the memories of blissful childhood, of an unfettered life with care-a-damn attitude. Getting drenched in the rain, running along the edges of the slushy paddy fields, eating hot pakoras sold on the roadside, making paper boats out of the school notes and many more…

We at Caleidoscope are eager to bring back the joy that we often get from such silly little things! And we would like you to join us in this endeavour…

Wondering how?

We are running a month long contest on ‘Nostalgiphilia’, featuring articles that bring out the nostalgic memories. So, if you can write a few lines and add a few photos to capture your memories, we have a prize for it –

Article of the month on Nostalgia will get

First prize – Rs.2,000

Consolation prize – Rs.1,000

The criteria for selection are –

  • A thought provoking topic and complete coverage of the information
  • Originality of the content
  • Neat language that requires minimal editing
  • Smooth thought flow and narration of the key points
  • Popularity of the article through hits and social media likes
  • Suitable CC or own image provided

Send in your entries to

The contest begins today and ends on 15th of August 2015. We will announce the prize winners after August 20th and publish all the submitted stories thereafter.

– Caleidoscope Team – This contest is closed!

Image credits: The copyright for the images used in this article belong to their respective owners. Best known credits are given under the image. For changing the image credit or to get the image removed from Caleidoscope, please contact us.


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