Ways To Make Your Home Safe For First-Time Parents


Ways To Make Your Home Safe For First-Time Parents-01

Becoming a first-time parent can be head spinning with all the new information you need to keep track of. Making your home a safe place is one of those things that are necessary but sometimes not remembered until your baby starts to become mobile. Trying to make your home a safe place is easier to do before the baby comes that way it does not catch you off guard. Here are some easy ways to make your home safe for your whole family- that doesn’t require much effort. 

Baby Gates

If your home has stairs, at least buying the baby gates will be so helpful. If you are not ready to install them yet, purchasing them ahead of time will give you time to return them if they don’t fit properly, and figure out how they work. For some gates, they are pretty tricky to install, and some of them may not fit your space properly. Babies will always start to get mobile when you are least expecting it and you may not necessarily be ready, so preparing ahead of time is always better than to be left scrambling at the last minute. It would be best to add the gate to the tops of the stairs. 

Hide Any Dangerous Items

If you have any dangerous items, make sure they are somewhere that cannot be accessed such as knives, cleaning chemicals, anything with small tiny pieces that could be choking hazards, etc. Items like brakeable vases should be out of reach as well. If you own any weapons, make sure they are locked away in a special cabinet. Items like lighters and matches are fire hazards and should be kept out of reach to prevent fire damage, Island Park. 

Get Cabinet Locks

You will definitely want to invest in some child-proof cabinet and drawer locks. Good places for these are in the kitchen where there are breakable items, knives, and lots of things that can be spread out all over the place. Another great place for cabinet locks would be in your child’s bedroom drawers, bathroom cabinets, and any cabinet or drawer that you do not want to be accessed by them. They are super easy to install, typically are adhesive, and easy to open still. 

Outlet Protectors

Outlet covers go inside the outlet and cover the opening so that curious minds cannot stick to things that do not belong in the outlet. This is helpful because if something metal goes into an outlet, your child could get very seriously shocked or could potentially start a fire. These will help to avoid fire damage as well. 

Anchor Heavy Furniture

Children can be very curious but do not realize their boundaries and cause and effect. Anchoring heavy furniture to the walls such as bookshelves and dressers will help keep your children safe if they are ever trying to climb on the furniture or if an earthquake were to happen as well. 

Cover Stove Knobs

This one is often missed, but most stove knobs are reachable from a low level and if they are not covered, a fire could easily be started, and be missed if not paying attention. Another thing that is dangerous is if you have a gas stove and the knob is turned but not sparked, releasing gas fumes into the house. These stove knobs can be life savers and also help your child to learn kitchen safety.

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